Colleges & Universities
Learn Haitian Creole. Do better work. Connect deeply. Stay safer. Involve the community. Teach your students about sustainability and give them the tools to put into practice. It all happens when you bring your students to HaitiHub!
How it works for University Groups
- Create your free profile on HaitiHub as a Group Admin
- Buy full access to HaitiHub’s learning Modules for 5-30 people and enjoy custom university group pricing of $89-$99 per learner(depending on group size).
- Grant access to your students using just their email addresses
- Easily track the progress each of your students is making in real-time with access to quiz results for all learners.
Students interested in learning Haitian Creole should contact us at (using your .edu mail address!) to learn more about special student pricing options.
You can also download this .pdf one-pager to share with your faculty adviser or college group!
Watch the video tour
See what Students & Faculty are saying about HaitiHub
Learn more about earning college credit with HaitiHub through ACTFL Testing
Students who successfully finish HaitiHub’s Complete Intro to Haitian Creole Courseare given the materials and instruction that they need to achieve a Novice High/Intermediate Low* proficiency rating on the ACTFL OPI exam.
According to the American Council on Education (ACE) standards, a Novice High/Intermediate Low proficiency rating generally translates to 3 college credit hours**.
Ready to take the OPI? Sign up here!
Interested in learning more? Click here.
*This claim is based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking (2012).
** Students interested in receiving college credit should contact their institutions for specific information on policies regarding ACTFL certified OPI testing as an option for language placement / credit transfer before registering for the test.