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Haiti Through Literature: A Book Review

BOOK REVIEWS by Sylvia Elias, British Columbia, Canada I’ve come to believe that Haiti provokes passion like no other place on earth. To support this, I give you two stunning novels by highly diverse authors: Claire of the Sea Light,... Read more
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Haiti Votes October 9th

For those of you who are not fully caught up on the turbulence of Haiti’s current election cycle, please take a moment to read our February 2016 article below: How we got here: Haiti’s Presidential Elections If you’re looking for the necessary historical and... Read more
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U.N. Acknowledges Role in Haiti’s Cholera Crisis

St. Nicholas Hospital, St. Marc, Haiti; PAHO WHO Many of you have likely heard the news that the U.N. has finally admitted its role in the cholera outbreak in Haiti.  While it’s “big news”, the U.N.’s role in the disaster... Read more
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Haiti’s History With Democracy : An Update on the Presidential Election

For those looking for a refresher, you can find our previous article on Haiti’s 2016 Presidential Election available here. With this post, we’re picking up with the most recent events, and then going back to Haiti’s foundations to explore the... Read more