Prepare for the Top 7 situations a new Haitian Creole learner will face! Haitian Creole Phrases from the Video Situation 1: Greeting Someone You Already Know 1. Sak pase? What’s up? What’s happening? 2. N ap boule! We’re good! (Lit. “We’re burning.”) Lesson 3: Asking for Permission: Receiving a “Yes” 9. Mwen kapab…? Can I … ? 10. Ou vle… ? Do you want … ? 11. Wi Yes 12. Mèsi Thank You 13. Pa gen pwoblem No problem Lesson 5: Wants, Likes & Dislikes 17. Mwen pa konprann I don’t understand 18. Mwen renmen I like 19. Mwen pa renmen I don’t like 20. Li He / She Lesson 2: Asking How Someone is Doing 5. Bonswa Hello (after noon) 6. Kijan ou ye? How are you? 7. Mwen bye I’m good 8. Bon bagay Good stuff Lesson 4: Asking for Permission: Receiving a “No” 14. Non No 15. Souple Please 16. Eskize mwen Excuse me Practice the Vocabulary English to Kreyol Kreyol to English Listening Comprehension EnglishKreyolListen checkKijan ou rele?checkN a we!checkBonjoucheckMwen rele... You should learn the whole vocab set before moving on. Once you have memorized these first 4 words, use the + below to add a few more. You can always click the - button to take those words away again.