Creole Language Collaborators & Team
HaitiHub’s resources owe much to the leading educators and academics of Haitian Creole. Thanks are due. Mèsi mil fwa!

Thank you to Mandaly Louis-Charles for coming alongside HaitiHub from the very beginning to help pilot our materials as a Creole instructor and for helping with the development of our intermediate Haitian Creole resources. The SweetCoconuts blog is a blessing to anyone trying to learn about the Haitian Creole language!

Thank you to Wally Turnbull! The success of our Haitian Creole language courses rests perhaps nowhere more strongly than on the collaboration built between Creole Made Easy and HaitiHub. Your grasp of the spoken language and your lifetime of experiences in Haiti are indispensable. CME shows us how it’s done every day.

Thank you to Professor Jacques Pierre for the time spent looking over the rough drafts of our curriculum and for inviting us into your Creole classrooms at Duke University. The insights you’ve freely shared from your expertise and accomplishment as a linguist and Creole educator have strengthened our program and teaching significantly.

Thank you to Dr. Michel DeGraff for generously giving of your time to help clarify the more challenging aspects of the language for our community. Your linguistic expertise and overall feedback for our lessons are deeply appreciated. You inspire us daily with your efforts to win Kreyòl the respect and standing it deserves globally.
Who We Are
We are a Haitian Creole language learning resource created in partnership with some of the most effective Creole educators in the field.
We are a growing network of over three thousand Haitian Creole language learners.
We are a coordination tool encouraging individuals and organizations to communicate with each other, share domain knowledge, streamline efforts, and help one another do the work they do better in Haiti.
We are a team that is passionate about the potential that language has to create, build, and sustain relationships.
Meet our Founder!
Bonjou! Sak pase? My name is Carlo and I founded HaitiHub after living and working in Haiti as a long-term volunteer. The people I met changed my life. The work I did inspires me every day. The food I ate (griyo, akra, lalo!) makes me look forward now to every next trip back to the island (or at least to Florida). But I know that all of it – the deep relationships and experiences – would have been impossible without Haitian Creole. If you want to truly help in Haiti, learn the language and then get to know people. If you want to have the most memorable vacation ever in Haiti, learn the language and then get to know the merchants in the streets. If you want to stun everyone at your family reunion and make the piklez fall out of their mouths, learn the language and then really get to know your grandma. I promise you it’s worth it.
Our Vision
Our short term goal is to teach the Haitian Creole language to volunteers, development staff, and U.S.-based professionals who work with Haitian populations. We do this by providing the highest quality resources for learning Haitian Creole available anywhere.
Our long term goal is to leverage the power of language to affect a larger shift in the way humanitarian aid is done in Haiti.
Ann travay ansanm!